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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Adolf, a shy looking and awkward boy, is bought forward eagerly by Mr Campbell for inspection by Poland. Mr Campbell is beaming down at his son with a goofy, fatherly pride- while Adolf shifts nervously from one foot to the other, upset at being drawn out of his introversion and thrust into the centre of attention. Poland looks down to meet little Adolf's eyes then turns his gaze immediately back towards Mr Campbell. 'This boy is scary'- he thinks to himself uncomfortably.

In an instant, little Adolf pulls out a pink plastic knife and lunges forward, stabbing Poland in the kneecap. Blood spurts out all over the cheap carpet. Poland recoils in horror, clutching feebly at his freshly wounded knee. Mr Campbell and Adolf watch on excitedly as Poland fumbles for the front doorknob...
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
'No, we're not racists. BTW, I'd like to introduce you to our son and daughters. Adolf, Ayran Nation... come and meet our nice new neighbour'.

Happy Birthday Adolf
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed

Strange report in the Age newspaper, about a couple who have called their boy Adolf Hitler being denied a birthday cake with their son's name on it.

As I was reading it, I was thinking to myself (trying to be a little open minded)... why not eh? It's just a name after all. As the father says 'The kid isn't going to grow up and do what [Hitler] did.'. Sounds reasonable...? ... ? Errrrrrrr...

Then I read down a little further and guess what? They have another younger child called...

JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell!

Happy B'day little Adolf. But as soon as you're 16, you run like the wind fella!
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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
:iagree: Lol!
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Jim O'Rourke - Eureka
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
C'mon guys, fun is fun..

But put yourself in Bush's *cough* .. shoes.

Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
The end battle in HL2, ep2. While I thought most of the game was pretty tedious, that last battle turned out epic. I'd saved my last game very close to where a strider was about to break through the perimeter (ending the game), and there were about 3 others left and lots of those other smaller ones (hunters?) around too. I had to work like crazy to destroy everything before they broke through- took me atleast 20 times to get it all done (going back to that last save when I died), it was a completely mad scramble, but I got there.

Was awesome I tells ya.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
But who will patent...

the burning banana!??

Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
I'm sure when he gets out he'll have new and better shoes.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Merry Xmas devs and good luck with the bug squashing.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
"How to cook for 40 humans" ?

Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :so if they want people who pirate to start buying, they are going to have to come up with something as appealing, because everything else they have been trying thus far has had no effect.

To compete with pirates, games companies will need to start posting their games out to you for free, wrapped nicely in ribbon with a block of Cadbury's chocolate thrown in for good measure.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :so tell me ive been smoking for 20 years cannabis is not addictive, ill laugh

20 years of doing anything routinely is likely to result in a fairly ingrained and substantial habit. Most people give up before they get to that point though. I smoked pot regularly from my late teens to mid 20s, and very non-regularly before and after those periods. The last time I did pot was about 4 years ago.

If you're mixing with tobacco then the problem is probably with the tobacco.

PS, I just had a friend come over the other day who was one of the biggest pot heads I knew (hadn't seen him for a few years). He's quit now. I asked him why he gave up, he shrugged his shoulders and simply said he just didn't feel like it anymore..
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :In my country, by the age of six, if you can't down 2 pints in 30 seconds they lop off ya willy and give you a girl's name.

Then there's our toilet paper preferences... ... OxVlY&feature=related
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :Excuse me but where did I excluded alcohol and nicotine?

Quote :unlike alcohol or nicotine, marijuana will make you strongly addicted

Just there guy.

Quote :Now if you still feel the need to insult me or to contradict me then I politely ask you to refrain from doing that.

Insulting is one thing, but you need to be contradicted because the things you are coming out with are plainly BS to most anyone who understands that marijuana and cannabis are actually the same drug. It's not cool to have such a strongly voiced opinion on something you know absolutely nothing about- you're actually giving people who don't do drugs a bad name!
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :Let me rephrase that "accidentally killing a man while trying to take his money".

Perhaps "asking a man if he'd like to put in for a quarter of buds" is a tad more realistic.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :You see, unlike alcohol or nicotine, marijuana will make you strongly addicted to it thus enhancing the danger of desperately wanting more by any means necessary(robing a store or someone, killing an innocent man, etc.)

That's about the strangest thing I've read in this thread so far. Your opinions are about 70 years out of date.
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :Just because someone downloads a game doesn't mean they were ever going to buy it in the first place. Same goes for music. There will be some, but I think the majority of pirates had no intention of purchasing it in the first place.

Is that because they know they can get hold of a pirate copy easily?

Music and games are slightly different issues in my mind. The problem with games is that a pirate copy is identical in quality to the original. Unless you're downloading music in a lossless format, the pirate copy will always be lower quality than what you will can get from a store bought. Most people who are serious about music will tell you that mp3 quality isn't good enough.. it's not doing the music justice at all- you're missing out on a lot of detail in the recording. In that way I use mp3 as a kind of demo (m4a is better) - it's a good way to quickly find out about different kinds of music without buying the cd first. On the other hand you can always sample the music in store and get a much better idea from there. The P2P thing is convenient though. There are a few CD's on my list to buy thanks to P2P, so in that way it can help sales.

edit: I've also been robbed of my bought collection a couple of times. I've been trying lately to get a lot of that stuff back through P2P, as it's simply too expensive and too difficult to replace legally. Sux but there isn't much alternative.
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
I've used a pen before for driving. It's actually really good, but I went back to the mouse simply because I was more used to that, and it felt 'wrong' to use a pen.
Games Piracy
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Recently I've been noticing that the topic of games piracy has been coming up a fair bit on the forum. It's an important and uncomfortable topic (for gamers) because it seems these days it's easier than ever to get what you want, whenever you want it. Koroush Ghazi of Tweakguides has just written an excellent article on games piracy, it's a long article but it does go into a lot of depth, which is really what the subject needs.

The article is here (PC Game Piracy Examined).

I've been struggling with this issue for a while... I think I semi-admitted recently that I do occasionly pirate the odd game, yet at the same time I have a problem with this kind of behaviour. As the article points out, piracy is rife and is most definitely affecting the (PC) games industry in negative ways, which in turn of course affects gamers.

Anyway, the article is very good, it seems to dispell a lot of the myths surrounding games piracy and I recommend anyone who is interested or concerned about the future of PC gaming in general (should be most of us here) take the time to read through it if you haven't already.
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Yeah, but the VWS was an offer that doesn't come along that often. In the devs position, would you have passed that opportunity up? They did the right thing- yes it will delay other stuff, but then Scawen has already mentioned that there are other things in the pipeline which were being worked on at the same time as the Scirocco.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
It's probable that GTA IV uses deferred rendering (don't ask me what it means) which doesn't allow conventional AA. You could have AA in Stalker in Dx8 mode but not in Dx9 mode, which switched over to deferred rendering. In Clear Sky, you can have AA again in Dx10, but not Dx9, although I seemed to get it working anyway in Dx9(?).

I'm confused.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :And although Scawen claimed the opposite, why cannot it become a screenshot generator, while still keeping the awesome physics? Awesomeness over time.

It's simply not a focus. There are other driving games around where a big focus is on taking pretty shots, but that's not LFS' cup of tea. Doesn't stop people trying though- there are actually quite a lot of really nice looking ingame LFS shots that people have posted over the years.

The problem now is that LFS' presentation has become a mix of recent and old graphics. The VWS looks to be a step up from even the most recently released interiors, and that will contrast heavily with the non-updated cars. It's going to take a lot of time to get everything up to the current level and tbh I'm not sure if that's even a good idea. It might be a better idea simply to push forward with all new content (more 'real' cars), and start leaving the older fictional cars behind (there will need to be more interest from other manufacturers though). Who knows?

Anyway, the Scirocco looks great and I'm sure Eric is excited about being able to have that extra level of detail in the models these days.
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .